Classroom Community Counts is much like the 3 Rs in Education except I call them the 3 Cs.
Classroom Community Counts! The 3 Rs in Education are Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. Ironically when I think about myself as a First Grade Teacher those are the three primary overarching areas I am teaching to reach my firsties. Of course, I can’t forget adding becoming good speakers and listeners, but that is a post for another time. Yes, firsties is my pet nickname for my darling first grade students. Before we can begin to teach children the 3 Rs; however, we as teachers need to make sure we have a plan in place that encompasses the 3 Cs in teaching a classroom of students. This leads me to the intention of this blogpost: CLASSROOM COMMUNITY COUNTS.
A strong classroom community sets the stage for a happy productive atmosphere that caters to the needs of all learners and fosters fairness and equity amongst its members. Entering a classroom that practices the 3 Cs to fidelity is most likely augmented by a teacher with an authoritarian style. The 3 Cs and authoritarian style are two educational perspectives that seem to fit together almost seamlessly.
What are characteristics of a 3 Cs Classroom?
Students along with the teacher have co-created the rules, routines, and procedures that benefit the entire group.
Students know the boundaries that have been set for desired behaviors and outcomes.
Students know the pre-determined consequences when rules, routines, procedures are not followed.
Students know independence, diversity, and fairness amongst its learners are valued.
Students know and practice the motto there is no “I” in TEAMWORK.
Students know a caring classroom community condones no BULLYING whether in the form of words or actions.
What are some other attributes that comprise a strong classroom community? In my opinion, it is one that all learners are able to feel safe in their own skin and feel valued for whom they are. To put it bluntly it means regardless of socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender, or academic ability the students in that classroom feel like that teacher levels the playing field for everyone. All kids know they have value and are equally important to their teacher and their peers. That is not to say that everyone always gets along with each other or that we are in a ‘STEPFORD’ type classroom, but it does equate to one word – KINDNESS.
I know and have known my style of teaching for many years. I am an authoritarian style teacher. It is my primary objective to not only reach and teach students in the academic sense, but to also teach social skills that will follow them for a lifetime. Classroom community is one of those lifetime skills.
So along with making sure you are teaching the standards of your grade level, make certain you are incorporating them into a 3 Cs classroom. A caring, considerate, and compassionate classroom environment is one in which all learners feel safe and secure. Now that is Utopia. If you can embody that you will have a classroom filled with students eagerly learning and loving school. It’s up to you. You are the deciding factor who determines the climate of your classroom this year. Make it one that your students will remember for a lifetime.
This is of course my blogpost and my personal opinions based on over three decades of teaching experience. You may beg to differ with me, but I am not here to banter. This is my opinion and I truly respect yours, but I am not here to defend mine. Hence the reason why I have my own website. LOTS OF LAUGHS! Just wanted to make sure we are all on the same wavelength.
One of many reasons I wrote this post is to expose the importance of Classroom Community because so many teachers new to the profession may not realize its absolute significance in the grand scheme of things. I see so much on social media about creating a Pinterest worthy classroom and yet so much less about classroom climate. Classroom climate should garner top priority on the list, in my opinion.
CREATING a 3 Cs Community of Learners is the first thing my students and I work on as a team. Together we co-create a vision for our little Utopia. You can do this too. It’s not hard, but it takes patience and lots of understanding on the part of the teacher. A 3 Cs Classroom is one in which children are taught to think for themselves and to be active participants in the learning process.
Last but not least, if you are a teacher who worries about your students’ scores on standardized tests, maybe you ought to give more credence to embodying a 3 Cs Classroom. The two go hand in hand. Children do not realize their personal potential within the confines of non-caring classrooms. It is of great importance to create a positive classroom community and this is one of my top teaching tips! Make your space a 3 Cs Classroom and maximize learning of the students and your pleasure teaching! Make it a high priority and watch students’ progress reach new heights.